Academic samsara

Investigador por México SECIHTI - INAOE

I'm a researcher in computing science at Mexico's Secretary of Science, Humanities, Technology, and Innovation (SECIHTI) and at the National Institute of Astrophysics, Optics, and Electronics (INAOE). I'm member of the Researchers National System (SNII) level 1. I have an engineer degree in communications and electronics, and M.S. and PhD degrees in computer science from the Computing Research Center of the National Polytechnic Institute (CIC-IPN).

Stuff I do

Algorithm design, combinatorial optimization, graph theory, network science, approximation algorithms, heuristics, operations research, and computer networks.

Journal Papers

  1. Jesús García-Díaz, José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez. "A greedy heuristic for graph burning." Springer, Computing 107(91), (2025).
  2. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Carlos Segura. "Compact Integer Programs for Depot-Free Multiple Traveling Salesperson Problems." MDPI Mathematics 11(13), (2023): 3014.
  3. Bruno R. Gutiérrez-de-la-Paz, Jesús García-Díaz, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Mauro A. Montenegro-Meza, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, Omar A. Gutiérrez-de-la-Paz. "The Moving Firefighter Problem." MDPI Mathematics 11(1) (2023): 179.
  4. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Roger Z. Rios-Mercado, Saúl Eduardo Pomares-Hernández. "A Constructive Heuristic for the Uniform Capacitated Vertex k-center Problem." ACM Journal of Experimental Algorithmics 28(16), (2023): 1-26.
  5. Jesús García-Díaz, Lil María Xibai Rodríguez-Henríquez, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Saúl Eduardo Pomares-Hernández. "Graph Burning: Mathematical Formulations and Optimal Solutions." MDPI Mathematics 10, (2022): 2777.
  6. Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez, Candelaria E. Sansores-Pérez, Jesús García Díaz, José Alberto Fernández-Zepeda. "Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Hub Cover Set Problem." IEEE Access 10, (2022): 51419-51427.
  7. Jesús García-Díaz, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Lil María Xibai Rodríguez-Henríquez, José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta. "Burning graphs through farthest-first traversal." IEEE Access 10, (2022): 30395-30404.
  8. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz. "A First Approach to Asynchronous-Synchronous Tradeoff in 1D Cellular Genetic Algorithms." Research in computing science 150(12), (2021).
  9. José Carlos Aguilar-Canepa, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, Jesús García-Díaz. "A Structure-Driven Genetic Algorithm for Graph Coloring." Computación y sistemas 25(3), (2021): 465-481.
  10. Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Noureddine Lakouari, Jesus Garcia-Diaz, and Saúl E. Pomares Hernández. "The effect of speed humps on instantaneous traffic emissions." Applied Sciences 10, no. 5 (2020): 1592.
  11. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, and Rolando Menchaca-Méndez. "Solving the Capacitated Vertex K-Center Problem through the Minimum Capacitated Dominating Set Problem." Mathematics 8, no. 9 (2020): 1551.
  12. Jesús Garcia-Diaz, Rolando Menchaca-Mendez, Ricardo Menchaca-Mendez, Saúl Pomares Hernández, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, and Noureddine Lakouari. "Approximation algorithms for the vertex k-center problem: Survey and experimental evaluation." IEEE Access 7 (2019): 109228-109245.
  13. Jesús García-Díaz, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, and Jairo Javier Sánchez-Hernández. "Local Search Algorithms for the Vertex K-Center Problem." IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS 16, no. 6 (2018): 1765.
  14. Jesús García-Díaz, Jairo Sánchez-Hernández, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, and Rolando Menchaca-Méndez. "When a worse approximation factor gives better performance: a 3-approximation algorithm for the vertex k-center problem." Springer, Journal of Heuristics 23, no. 5 (2017): 349-366.
  15. Héctor Julián Selley-Rojas, Jesús García-Díaz, Manuel A. Soto-Ramos, Felipe R. Menchaca-García, and Rolando Menchaca-Méndez. "Algoritmo aleatorizado basado en distribuciones deslizantes para el problema de planificación en Sistemas Grid." Computación y Sistemas 19, no. 1 (2015): 47-68.
  16. Jesús García-Díaz, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, and Rolandoo Quintero. "A structure-driven randomized algorithm for the K-center problem." IEEE Latin America Transactions 13, no. 3 (2015): 746-752.

Conference Papers

  1. A compact quadratic integer program for the depot-free multiple traveling salesperson problem. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz, Julio César Pérez-Sansalvador, Carlos Segura. XI Congreso de la Sociedad Mexicana de Investigación de Operaciones, CSMIO 2023, Oct. 18-20, 2023. Puebla, México.
  2. A First Approach to Asynchronous-Synchronous Tradeoff in 1D Cellular Genetic Algorithms. José Alejandro Cornejo-Acosta, Jesús García-Díaz. Congreso CORE 2021, Nov. 15-26, 2021. CDMX, México.
  3. A New GRASP Algorithm for the k-Center Problem. Jesús García-Díaz, Jairo Sánchez-Hernández, Rolando Mechaca-Méndez, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez. Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC 2014. Nov. 3-5, 2014. Ocotlán, Oaxaca, México.
  4. A Bloom Filter Based Algorithm for Routing in Intermittently Connected Ad Hoc Networks. Jairo Sanchez-Hernández, Jesús García-Díaz, Ricardo Mechaca-Méndez, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez. Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, ENC 2014. Nov. 3-5, 2014. Ocotlán, Oaxaca, México.
  5. A Bloom Filter-Based Algorithm for Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks. Jairo Sanchez-Hernández, Rolando Menchaca-Méndez, Ricardo Menchaca-Méndez, Jesus García-Díaz, Mario E. Rivero-Ángeles, and J.J. García-Luna-Aceves. The 18th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems, November 2–6, 2015, Cancun, Mexico.


  1. Matemáticas para la computación (2024) - INAOE - Slides.
  2. Pensamiento matemático (2023) - Danza que da esperanza.
  3. Redes de computadoras (2023) - INAOE
  4. Matemáticas para la computación (2022) - INAOE
  5. Matemáticas discretas (2022) - INAOE
  6. Redes de computadoras (2021) - INAOE
  7. Matemáticas discretas (2021) - INAOE
  8. Seminario de investigación II (2020) - INAOE
  9. Redes de computadoras (2020) - INAOE
  10. Matemáticas discretas (2020) - INAOE
  11. Redes de computadoras (2019) - INAOE
  12. Seminario de investigación II (2019) - INAOE
  13. Taller de matemáticas (2017) - Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM)).